Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Welcome to the Bay of Plenty, Suckas

Welcome to the Bay of Plenty you hordes of poor working holiday travelers. Work at our innumerable kiwi orchards where exploitation and poor wages are guaranteed. Stay in our overpriced hostels, or better yet, come rest your weary head at our insanely overpriced, overcrowded and unsanitary hostel, The Hairy Berry, here they will promise you a job if you stay and then never get you one. Have a passion for the extreme? Take your life into your own hands and have a ride through Te Puke where it seems that everyone is drunk and just learning how to drive. Want to keep that frown plastered on that foreign face of yours, why not call every one of the 20+ pack houses in the area and get an outright rejection from every single one? Have you had enough, do you want more? A freak hailstorm, why not?
So it's a little melodramatic, but that was our experience the first few days here. Every thing we tried turned out to be a complete failure. Then, as it always does, the sun came back out and things turned around. If you know me at all, you know that I embrace the trashy side of existence, I indulge in the cheap and poor quality, I revel in bad taste, I am smitten with the shameful and cringe worthy, I love it all. So trust me when I tell you that I love what we are doing right now.
We are living in a caravan in a trailer park. I shit you not, I live in a (cara)van down by the river (ocean) and it's fucking awesome!


  1. that last picture is my favorite! like, of ever...i miss you!

  2. hehe you made a Chris Farley joke.
