Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Fathers' Day

This last Sunday in New Zealand was Fathers' Day which is a few months later than Fathers' Day in the States. So I decided to do a little research to find out why they fall on different dates

My original thought was that because fathers generally don't care about Fathers' Day each country just picked their own arbitrary day to celebrate because all the other countries were doing it.

I wasn't too far off, "It took many years to make the holiday official. In spite of support from the YWCA, the YMCA and churches, it ran the risk of disappearing from the calendar. Where Mother's Day was met with enthusiasm, Father's Day was met with laughter. The holiday was gathering attention slowly, but for the wrong reasons. It was the target of much satire, parody and derision, including jokes from the local newspaper Spokesman-Review. Many people saw it as just the first step in filling the calendar with mindless promotions like "Grandparents' Day", "Professional Secretaries' Day", etc., all the way down to "National Clean Your Desk Day."

*I was going to post a humiliating picture of my own dad dancing at his wedding reception because it's hilarious. Then I decided it was a really mean thing to do on Fathers' Day. I love him far too much.

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